June 25, 2014

Registration Referral Rewards™ | Urban Dictionary: brending

Registration Referral Rewards™

Urban Dictionary: brending Registration Referral Network is Registration Referral Rewards

http://kiwanisrocks.com/about Attend the 99th Annual Kiwanis International Convention. The convention will take place July 17–20, 2014. The exhibits, education and general sessions will be held at the Makuhari Messe International Convention Complex, located 2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city, 261-0023, Japan. Due to the convention center's close proximity to all official hotels, no shuttle service will be available.
Online registration is now closed. Please register onsite in Japan, starting July 16.Convention fees Onsite, starting July 16 Kiwanian/Non-Kiwanian guests US$250
Youth Free for 21 and younger.FREE FREE FREE
When you register, book your ticket for the following events:
Thursday, July 17
 The Eliminate Project and the Kiwanis International Foundation Honors luncheon, $55 and receive a special edition collector's pin
 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.
Friday, July 18
Walk to Eliminate MNT, $30
 7–8 a.m.
 International Fellowship dinner, $75 and receive a special edition collector's pin
 7–10 p.m.
 By attending the Kiwanis International convention or related activities, registrants agree to be photographed by any means and allow Kiwanis the right to use photos, video or film likeness for any purpose without compensation or notice.

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